Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Great News

The nurse from Lancaster G/O unit called today to confirm that Fox Chase will review my records and meet with me as soon as possible. I am hoping there may be a clinical trial or access to new meds with helpful funding via this option.

Unfortunately my CA125 began to slowly rise even while on my last treatment with gem/cis, which means I have probably exhausted its benefits for me. Thankfully the gem/cis program has given me two very reasonably healthy years. My doc has been very honest that it is his objective to keep me alive long enough for something new to attack this beast.

Sorry for the inconvenience

For all of you who regularly follow and comment on this blog, I am sorry for the inconvenience of needing to moderate all comments. Unfortunately there is an individual who has chosen to harrass myself and my friends through this venue. I began this blog as a means of consolidating intested friends, family, and other cancer survivors to share my journey with cancer.

This really is not the avenue to address the condition of my faith or heart or to direct unfounded accusations toward me. If someone knows me that personally I should hope they are brave enough to contact me and address their concerns privately rather than on a public forum under cover of anonymity. I am hoping the moderation will curtail further such activity.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Trial Run

The chemo nurse called yesterday very concerned about my platelet count. It had fallen to 10,000. Not having any symptoms of such a low count, the doc decided to wait 24 hours. Not to hold anyone in suspense, my counts climbed by 11,000 overnight and the anticipated transufusion was cancelled, but it was a good trial run for us.

Last year, after my admission, I had promised the younger children they could go with me if I was to be admitted in the hospital two hours away. Yesterday afternoon, we made all the arrangements, notified the school, etc. Last evening, I sat down and talked with the children about what was happening and prepared for the trip. It was good news not to be going today and also reassuring that plans had fallen into place and all went smoothly.

Meanwhile, I am living 'cancer free' for 12 days and counting.

Smilesiris, please be aware that this is a public forum read by many many friends and family as well as whoever else may join in from cyberspace. Some have expressed concern with your comments. The internet is a wonderful means of communicating with many but is also a ticklish forum to maintain privacy. If there is something personal you wish to address please contact me via another means. Thank you.