Sunday, April 13, 2008

Holding Steady

There hasn't been much to report lately other than increasing discomfort and signs of growing cancer up until this Tuesday when I finally received a chemo treatment. After discussing several drug options with my doc, he opted to stay the course with the carbo treatments I had been receiving before being ill. I felt immediate improvement that day with irritating symptoms. The faith part is hoping that this low dose maintenance treatment will also reduce the CA125 counts that had begun to rise.

The grass is greening but the tics are out. The hyacynths are in bloom but I have a sneaking suspicion the chippies stole many of my bulbs this winter.  Also need some bright perky pansies. Will pick them up this week. All in all we are holding steady, waiting for spring to pop in full bloom and the next bloodwork results.


Anonymous said...

I can't imagine how difficult these days have been for you. But I find it hopeful that you are looking for the new growth outside (inspite of the Tics and squirrels!) Spring brings new life and hope. Keep watching for it. Keep waiting. Don't give in to the Tics and squirrels! Thinking of you today with prayer, praise and hope. Iris

Anonymous said...

Here's hoping and praying that the improvement continues, and that the spring renewal gives you added strength.   Norma