Friday, March 7, 2008

Retail Therapy

After a month of illness in our household, my doc says my lungs are recovering well. I had been hospitalized for three days the last week of February due to pneumonia and flu. It was a scare for everyone as my white blood counts fell to 1.2 and platelets fell as well. They had not recovered quick enough to have my scheduled chemo this week. The CA125, though, held steady. So we plan on next week for chemo.

Meanwhile, I took daughter along this time to meet my doc and visit the infusion clinic. He's a cool guy and the nurses are great. Having a picture in her mind of place and people involved may help her deal with my regular trips to Hershey which generally cause her considerable emotional angst. Afterwards we went shopping for spring clothes and treated to a nice meal in a restaurant. She enjoyed girls day out.

So another week of recuperation when I hope to catch up on the house and get some other tasks accomplished. Thanks so much for everyone's love and prayers last week. Our family so appreciates everyone's support and concern for each one of us. My first full day in the hospital was like party day with the constant flow of traffic from many friends. Love you all.

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