Saturday, January 12, 2008

Sigh of Relief

The great news is that even with a three week break due to Christmas scheduling, my CA125 is still 3. I can perhaps not fret so much knowing the carbo is doing its job, for now.

This unusual January weather is confusing all of us, Ken says even the grouse are confused. I just know February will whop us. I spent a wonderful day at school yesterday with my daughter observing her in her classes. School is much different than I remember and I can understand what is causing her some difficulty now. We have been blessed with terrific teachers for the two this year for which I am very grateful. It has made the adjustment less traumatic than it could have been.

Now that the Christmas holiday is over I begin checking out my perreniel garden for signs of green. It is my spring welcome each year and I so thank the good friends who helped me transfer it here last summer. God bless you all.

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