Saturday, October 13, 2007

Treatment and progress

Today, I am coming back from Tuesday's treatment. Wednesday was terribly busy, Thursday I slept, Friday I putzed and took it easy, today we moved boxes and two shelf units and my sewing machine (yeah!) with the help of friends. It seems forever that we have been working on this new home and to look around now, it is a completely new home having no resemblance at all to the building we purchased back in March. Every inch has been painted, every square foot of flooring replaced and now carpeting and furniture are moving in.

On the health front, we have discovered through some scientific clinical trials that antioxidants from cranberries multiply the effectiveness of chemo treatments for ovca. I have been daily supplementing cranberries with the report that my CA125 count has fallen from over 88 to 8 with only one series of treatments. This is extraordinary. The discomfort I was feeling has completely disappeared and other than fatigue from my treatments themselves, I am feeling fine.


Anonymous said...

Diane, this is great way to keep us all informed of your progress. I am especially encouraged by the use of cranberries to help keep your count down. There is so much that we do not know about food and how it can proivde effective help in treatment, that the scientist are just now discovering. If we can only get the big pharmacitical companies to stop lobbying against natural supplements as treatmeants so the average person can afford to use them I think we would all be healthier.

Anonymous said...

this is a great idea, because there is more time to think and respond...