Particularly when driving I notice the heat coming off the highway ahead in a shimmery dreamlike haze. That is the same image in my mind as my health treatment progresses. Meeting with my doc yesterday, I realized my health is strong, my lifestyle is normal, my energy is good yet that shimmery haze is approaching on life's highway.
I've been in active treatment since Sept 05. Currently used drugs are still effectively reducing the CA125 count, which measures the cancer protein in the blood, now at 3. It's not likely to go any lower even with continuous treatment. My body is rebelling though with more nauseau. That makes life unpleasant but still doable. Besides what I have already used, there is very little else to turn to that is practiced medicine for ovca. He reviewed a few things he is trying out with long term patients but in my mind, I can't place myself at that end of the spectrum yet. I want to keep using the tried and true until no longer possible.
My window of dreams is shrinking. How do I use each hour of the day? What are my goals for children and myself for the next year? Am I willing to invest energy in a new venture if I'm not able to see the end? Remember Moses traveled for 40 yrs to be denied all but a lookout point view of the promised land. What are my battles worth fighting when each one consumes precious energy?
In the driver's seat, that humid haze obstructs my view. I can see only so far.