Thursday, May 29, 2008

Miracle Elixer

Once again thanks to this wonderful combo of drugs that my doc came up with in his research, my CA125 is down to 12 from almost 80 with just the first course of treatments. Today I received the first of the second course. This doc is one more of God's pieces placed in my life. I am learning to wait His placement of these individuals when they are needed and not press in my sense of timing. His provision is so perfect and puts my own attempts to shame.

The day was long and arduous but we made it and now I recuperate for the next few days.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Out of Egypt

This was the final chapter from Breaking Free by Beth Moore.

The gospel is so arranged and the gift of God so great that you may take the very enemies that fight you and the forces that are arrayed against you and make  them steps up to the very gates of heaven and into the presence of God..God wants of every one of His children, to be more than conqueror...You know when one army is more than conqueror it is likely to drive the other from the field, to get all the ammunition, the food and supplies, and to take possession of the whole...There are spoils to be taken!

Beloved, have you got them? When you went into that terrible valley of suffering did you come out of it with spoils? When that injury struck you and you thought everything was gone, did you so trust in God that you came out richer than you went in? To be more than conqueror is to take the spoils from the enemy and appropriate them to yourself. What he had arranged for your overthrow, take and appropriate for yourself.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Never Know What to Expect

I am slowly recovering from my second gem/cis treatment for this month. It was pleasantly surprising upon receiving my bloodwork two weeks ago to find my WBC was as high as 4.9 and the CA125 had actually fallen rather than rising while waiting for the treatment schedule to begin. It fell from 77 to 68, which the doc says is allowing for error in testing, but I had certainly expected it to be well over 100. Most of the discomfort I had been experiencing is diminishing already. The consequent fatigue and weakness is very hard to deal with even when assuring myself that it is short term. Yesterday I actually considered using a wheelchair for the first time. The muscle fatigue is so deep and overwhelming. Today I am putzing and resting, putzing and resting, slowly getting some things accomplished. Doing as much as possible while sitting is very helpful. I am expecting it to be a challenge to complete six scheduled gem/cis treatments through September. If it actually aids in keeping the counts down it will be worth it. One down and five to go.