Two weeks ago my CA125 stumbled upward. We continued with the treatments and waited for a second bloodtest. I have just received word that it has fallen again to a lower range, yet higher than the consistent 3 it had been. It is still well within normal and a range is often common as it fluctuates abit. I was nervous this meant another upward trend and again more toxic treatments but now can rest with the current maintenance program for a while longer. The CA125 is not the only test to look at, but for me is a pretty marked sign for recurrence. The nerve rending anxiety of watching it can be emotional but keeping busy helps. The normal routine day to day stuff keeps life like it used to be and the thoughts of cancer at bay.
One project I've been working on is a family picture album of old pics from the early 1900s. It is interesting to relate to grandparents and great grandparents as young adults and watching them change as they've matured. It puts my own short history into perspective. It is interesting to place their lives into the context of world events and developmental accomplishments. My grandparents went from horse and buggy to cars, to airplanes, to space rockets to a man on the moon. Can you imagine? I've seen the man on the moon, space shuttles to established stations, the internet flow of knowledge and much more yet to come. Though more and more people and events, our world is shrinking to allow contact with people miles and miles away. I have prayer support in Australia, England, Africa, and most every state of the union. Can one have even imagined that size of community at the turn of the century?
A small insignificant number as the CA125 can change my whole perspective but in the history of ovca I am living at a remarkable time. Just 10 short years ago my diagnosis in 2005 would have been a six month sentence. Modern medicine grants me treatment to hold the symptoms at bay and give me a remarkable ability to continue life as somewhat normal. The research for ovca is ready to burst the doors open to potentially not only lengthening life but finding a cure. Please pass the word forward to not only be aware of the seemingly inocuous symptoms that bely ovca but also to further research and not let other gynie cancers be lost in the dust of progress left by progressive treatments in other areas.